Trigger Events Programmatically

How to programmatically trigger engagement & conversions events in AnyTrack.

Once you have added the AnyTrack tag on your webpage, a programmer can trigger programmatically any event via the following scripts:

  // trigger an outbound click event
  var click_id = AnyTrack('OutboundClick');

The event name could be any standard event name AnyTrack supports:

  • PageView

  • OutboundClick

  • FormSubmit

  • Lead

  • CompleteRegistration

  • Purchase

The return argument is the event {click_id} as string (for example: MAbFl0fhrE5EfBu6fX0FnL02LfS), and it can be used later on to attribute conversion events.

Event Properties

If you want to send additional properties along with the event, you can do so following the below format:

  AnyTrack('Purchase', {
    id: 'my-link-id', // link id
    url: '', // the target link url
    label: 'iPhone X', // link label
    brand: 'Apple', // product brand name
    value: 2.99, // event monetary value / commission 
    currency: 'EUR', // optional currency (default to propery currency)
    transactionId: 'XJW0047', // transaction id

Full Code Example

<button type="button" onclick="handleBuyMe">Buy Me</button>

// handle the button click event
function handleBuyMe() {
  // generate the click id
  var click_id = AnyTrack('OutboundClick', { label: 'Buy Me' });
  // redirect the browser to the store location with the click id param
  window.location = '' + encodeURIComponent(click_id);

E-Commerce Support

AnyTrack supports e-commerce parameters to track purchase of specific item ids:

  var click_id = AnyTrack('Purchase', {
    value: 29.9, // the total purchase value
    shippingPrice: 5.9, // optional shipping price
    taxPrice: 2.9, // optional taxes
    currency: 'EUR',
    transactionId: 'XJW0047',
    items: [{
      id: '20291', // the item catalog id (required)
      name: 'Sony MDRZX110/BLK ZX Series Stereo Headphones',
      quantity: 1,
      price: 19.9, // the item price (required)
    }, {
      id: '49292', // the item catalog id (required)
      name: '6.35mm Male to 3.5mm Female Headphone Stereo Audio Connector',
      quantity: 1,
      price: 4.1, // the item price (required)

Last updated