Shopify Integration
How to track your Shopify conversions with AnyTrack
Last updated
How to track your Shopify conversions with AnyTrack
Last updated
When the AnyTrack TAG is on your Shopify store, it will track the visitors actions taken across the site and at the end of the customer journey, it will fire the conversion data to the AnyTrack API, which will allow you to send the sales data to the various pixels you've added to your property.
Attribution challenges
Working with marketing partners
Working with traffic sources that do not support standard pixels
You need a Shopify account with Administrator permission
You need an AnyTrack paid account
In order to track converstions in Shopify, you will need to add AnyTrack TAG on every page your store, including the checkout thank you page. Shopify App Store has many apps for adding tag snippets on your store, here are a few options for setup Shopify with AnyTrack:
Check the setup instructions here >>
In addition to the tracking script, you will need to add and install our Shopify integration to receive all the conversion events from your store.
Follow the setup instructions on the integration in order to complete the setup.
From now on, all conversions triggered in your Shopify shop will fire to Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel and any other ad networks integrated in your AnyTrack account.