Pepperjam integration
Pepperjam is integrated in AnyTrack so that you can instantly start tracking your conversions across your marketing stack.
Last updated
Pepperjam is integrated in AnyTrack so that you can instantly start tracking your conversions across your marketing stack.
Last updated
The Pepperjam and AnyTrack integration allows you to instantly track Pepperjam offer links, and syncs your conversions data from your Pepperjam account to all your marketing tools, analytics and ad networks.
Once you add the Anytrack Tag on your site, all affiliate links will be automatically "tagged" with the subid parameters required for conversion tracking. Learn more about redirectless tracking.
Then, your conversions will be fetch via API from your PepperJam account into AnyTrack.
Finally, the conversions will be attributed and sent to Google Analytics, Facebook API and other pixels you've connected to your AnyTrack account.
⌚ Time to set up: Less than 1 minute.
Before you get started with the PepperJam </> AnyTrack integration you will need:
A PepperJam publisher account (open one here)
An AnyTrack account (open one here)
The AnyTrack TAG on your site.
These instructions imply that you've already setup your AnyTrack account.
Login to your PepperJam account
Navigate to the resource section > API Keys
Copy ctrl+c
the API key to your clipboard
Navigate to your AnyTrack Dashboard > Integrations > PepperJam
Click on Install Integration
Paste the PepperJam API Key
When you connect your PepperJam account API Key in AnyTrack, your account will start fetching your conversion data from the PepperJam API and sync it with your AnyTrack account.
Note that AnyTrack only fetches conversions that have been tagged by the AnyTrack TAG.
You can view the data fetched through the PepperJam conversion data debugger available here.
The Redirecless Tracking method automatically applies to any PepperJam links.
When your page load, the AnyTrack tag automatically appends a subid parameter sid=anytrack_click_id
to your PepperJam links. The anytrack_click_id
value is unique to each click and is the key used to further track and attribute the conversions.
Because you might publish your links using plugins or internal redirects, we provide additional methods that can be used to indicate the link's affiliate network's type.
AutoScan is a feature that automatically "scans" offer links that haven't been tagged. In these cases, the link will be saved in your tag, and will be autotagged next time it is identified on your site.
The time to complete the integration can vary between 1 and 5 minutes, depending on how long it takes you to add the AnyTrack Tag to your site and copy/paste the PepperJam API Key to your AnyTrack account.