Tune integration (AKA Hasoffers)
How Tune (formerly known as HasOffers) is integrated in AnyTrack.
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How Tune (formerly known as HasOffers) is integrated in AnyTrack.
Last updated
Tune (formerly known as HasOffers) is one of most popular affiliate tracking software in the performance marketing industry. Some of biggest CPA networks such as Affiliaxe are running on the Tune platform.
As such, you will find many direct integrations with networks running on Tune, like NordVPN and Affiliaxe. In addition, you have the ability to add any network running on Tune, through the generic integration.
To add any network running on Hasoffers, simply type in hasoffers in the search box and follow the steps.
The goal tracking feature in Tune allows merchants to configure multiple goals for the same offer, and the same click_id
will be used to trigger each conversion goal. This is very useful when the offer is a funnel that includes a free trial and a recurring payment.
However, Tune does not have a tracking macro that we can use in the postback URL to identify the conversion type.
To enable you to attribute each conversion goal to a conversion goal in AnyTrack (and other analytics tools), we have implemented a conversion logic works according to the following rules:
If a conversion is tracked with a payout equal to "0" it will be interpreted as a lead
If a conversion is tracked with a payout > to "0" it will be interpreted as a sale.
Consequently, in order to make sure every type of conversion is tracked properly, it is important that you add your postback URL to each conversion goal available in the offer.
Open the offer settings
Open the Postback URL settings
Select Postback URL
Select each goal and paste the Postback URL in the "code" field.
Tune has the ability to add a global postback URL to your account. This feature can only be enabled by your affiliate manager. Therefore, if you want to add a global postback URL, you need to send it to your affiliate manager.