Google Ads Integration
This guide will show you how to sync your Google Analytics conversions with your Google Ads campaigns.
Last updated
This guide will show you how to sync your Google Analytics conversions with your Google Ads campaigns.
Last updated
You need an AnyTrack account.
You need to have a Google Analytics account.
You need to setup your conversion goals in your Google Analytics account setup here
You need to have a Google Ads account
This guide follows the standard steps recommended by Google to sync your Google Analytics goals with Google Ads.
Before you make the connection with Google Ads, you need to update the Google Analytics property settings to Allow manual tagging (UTM)
In Google Analytics - Open the Admin settings and open the Google Ads Linking menu
2. Follow the setup flow.
You will see a list of conversion goals to import from your Google Analytics account
This setting will tell Google whether to use this conversion goal to optimize your campaign
Definition from Google Ads Support Site (see more here)
The tracking template is where you put tracking information. You can use URL parameters to customize your final URL. When an ad is clicked, the information is used to create your landing page URL.
A tracking template at the ad group, campaign, or account level applies to all of the ads in the corresponding ad group, campaign, or account.
If you define multiple tracking templates at different levels, the most specific template is used.
The keyword tracking template is the most specific followed by the ad, ad group, campaign, then account.
You can view which tracking template is applied in the "Tracking template source" column.
With parallel tracking, use of HTTP in this field can disrupt your click measurement/redirect systems:
While we don't have control over the subsequent redirects, Google Ads will always use HTTPS for the first tracking call if it's not entered as such.
All subsequent redirect URLs need to be HTTPS. The redirects also need to be server-side.
For example, if your ad final URL is
, you are targeting the keyword "Conversion Tracking Platform", and your tracking template is:
At Run time, the URL will become:
To access your account settings you need to be be on the "All Campaigns" view
You can find the recommend tracking template under your Ads Integration tab on your pixel settings.
Because you now have the Conversions being synced between Google Analytics and Google Ads, you can select the CPA bidding strategy and select which conversion to count as a CPA.
Other settings are standard settings.