ClickFunnels Integration

This article walks you through the typical setup and marketing flow when working with ClickFunnels, an email marketing software and affiliate networks.

As many marketers work with ClickFunnels, it was only a matter of time until we put our minds around this integration.

The typical marketing flow with ClickFunnels.

  1. Users land on the funnel landing page.

  2. User fills a single or multiple step form.

  3. User is then redirected to an affiliate offer, a checkout page, or a thank you page.

  4. In parallel, the lead data is sent to an email marketing software.

The Marketing Goals

  1. Measure the cost per form submission

  2. Measure the direct revenues generated by the acquired leads.

  3. Measure the indirect revenues generated by the leads, through email marketing sequences.

  4. Being able to measure the exact ROAS of the campaign - including direct, and indirect revenues.

If a lead was originally acquired from a Google Ads campaign, triggered an immediate conversion, and then the same lead converted for a different offer, you will want to tie the conversion to the Google Ads campaign to get the campaign full ROAS.

The Challenges:

  1. Being able to track the user's actions and attribute them to the ad networks or analytics you work with.

  2. Being able to pass campaign data along with the form submissions in order to tie the subscribers to your campaigns.

  3. Being able to add tracking data to the offer links, or redirects in order to track the final conversions happening on affiliate networks or third party platforms.

A lead generation campaign running on multiple ad networks, where the traffic goes through a lead generation funnel, then goes through affiliate offers.

Simultaneously, the lead is sent to an email sequence in order to generate upsells for additional affiliate offers or products.

The big challenge with ClickFunnels is that the entire content displayed on your funnel is generated by a JavaScripts. Since the funnel editor has some limitations as to how you can edit the HTML, we had to find ways around these restrictions to pass the click_id and make sure it was recorded by ClickFunnels.

Getting started:

To track forms and outbound clicks

  1. Create a property in Anytrack

  2. Add the AnyTrack TAG in the head section of your funnel.

To pass tracking data to your email marketing software

  1. Add a Webhook in ClickFunnels

  2. Capture the data sent through the form submission

  3. Map the form submission parameter with your email marketing software

How to track email marketing campaigns

When creating your email sequence, and adding the landing page links or affiliate links, you should append the click_id parameter to the offer link, or the landing page.

If you send traffic to your landing page where the AnyTrack tag is located, you don't need to pass the click_id as AnyTrack will automatically identify the user.

We strongly recommend to add standard utm_parameters to your email campaigns.

Last updated