
This article will show you how to setup your affiliate links and forms in Elementor so you can fully take advantage of AnyTrack.

The Elementor Website builder allows WordPress users to create and edit websites by employing the drag and drop technique, with a built-in responsive mode.

When you work with a link redirector like thirsty affiliates or Pretty Links, you can add custom attributes to the Element.

  1. Edit the element

  2. Open the Advanced Tab

  3. Open the custom attributes

  4. set the data-tracking-group key value pair according to your needs.

You can find the data-tracking-group information under the Link Tracking tab, once you add the affiliate network.

For example, if the link is from Impact Radius, you will add it as follow


Form tracking

  1. Add or edit your form

  2. Add a hidden field

    1. Click the advanced tab

    2. Se the default value {click_id}

    3. Set the field ID or leave the default field id

Optional Settings

  1. Navigate to the Form Advanced settings

    1. Open the attribute menu

    2. Update the attributes according to your needs

      1. commission|10 if you would like to send a $10 form submit value

      2. data-label|formname if you would like to send the name of the form during the event.

Form Submission TrackingAffiliate Link Tracking

Last updated


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